One-Liner Wednesday & #JusJoJan 4/17 Prompt – Pro Tip

When choosing a ring-tone for your ex, pick your favourite song. When you don’t want to answer, you’ll be happy to just listen, and if your ex ever finds out, you can say you chose that song because of how “special” he or she is.

Note: This pro tip also works for your workplace and collection agencies.


The rules for Just Jot It January are as follows:

1. It’s never too late to join in! Here, we run on the honour system; the “jot it” part of JusJoJan means that anything you jot down, anywhere (it doesn’t have to be a post, it can even be a grocery list) counts as a “Jot.” If it makes it to your blog that day, great! If it waits a week to get from a sticky note to your screen, no problem!

2. The prompts will be posted every day at 2am…

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